Cooking Energy Saving Part III

Welcome to the last part in the Cooking Energy Saving series. By now you should be a master in cooking efficiently, so I’ll keep it short and cut right to the part you came to see: the saving tricks!


  • Avoid unnecessary pre-rinsing before putting dishes in the washer. Modern dishwashers are very efficient and will remove all but the most stubborn food residue. Pre-rinse or soak only those dishes and cookware which won’t come clean in the dishwasher.
  • If you are buying a new dishwasher, buy the size that fits your needs. Larger dishwashers use more water and electricity, and are more expensive.


  • High-Conductivity Materials work better than others and usually result in more evenly cooked food. For instance, copper-bottom pans heat up faster than regular pans. In the oven, glass or ceramic pans are typically better than metal—you can turn down the temperature about 25°F and cook foods just as quickly.
  • Use as small a pan, as little water, as little preheat time, and as little peeking in the oven as possible.
  • Food cooks more efficiently in ovens where air can circulate freely. Don’t lay foil on the racks. If possible, stagger pans on upper and lower racks to improve air flow.
  • Cook double portions when possible, and freeze the remainder. Less energy is required to reheat than to cook the dish over again.